1000 for $1,000 CAMPAIGN
Credit Card Click here to donate via credit card.
Write a Check You can write a check for your donation as well. You may fill out the online pledge form and mail in your check, or download the campaign’s pledge form, fill it out, and send it back with your check to the Sharon Library Foundation at 11 North Main Street; Sharon, MA 02067.
Have a Chat with a Capital Campaign Member If you’d like to chat with a member of the Capital Campaign Committee, click here and a campaign member will follow up with you shortly.
View other Available Naming Opportunities

1000 for $1,000 plaque naming rules:
- Single name (John George Doe, III)
- Several first names, within reason (John, Mary, and George Doe)
- Business or organization name (ABC Company)
- More than one full name, within reason (John Doe and Mary Apple)
- Family Name (Doe Family)