To: Select Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Finance Committee, Standing Building Committee
From: Library Board of Trustees
Date: 3/29/2021
Subject: Freeman Property
It has come to the attention of the Board of Trustees that the Select Board is interested in purchasing the property at 66 N. Main St currently owned by the Freeman family. It has also come to the attention of this board that a portion of this property would be offered to the trustees to be added to the 1 School St property. Additionally, it was made known to this board that if the trustees accept a portion of the property, there are issues with the division/acquisition of the 66 N. Main St property that may result in new or different problems both zoning and financial.
Therefore, until and unless the trustees are notified by our attorney that the acceptance of a portion of the property will not cause any zoning or other issues, the trustees can not accept a portion of the Freeman property or endorse this effort.
To reiterate and clearly state – due to the currently untenable issues surrounding any division of the Freeman property, the trustees can not accept any portion of the property or endorse its acquisition. This position will not change until and unless there is documented proof that all issues have been clearly resolved to the satisfaction of our attorney.
cc: Richard Gelerman (with attorney approval)
Brian Winner
Fred Turkington