Exciting News – state funding may be available to offset escalating construction costs. Clicking on this link gives you the ability to request Sharon’s share: https://act.newmode.net/action/massachusetts-taxpayers-library-construction/take-action-massachusetts-libraries.
- Due to litigation, Covid, and inflation, cost overruns for the new library will require an estimated additional $7 M.
- Federal ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funding is available to alleviate these costs, should our legislators act to allocate it.
- ARPA funding will allow this project to move forward with minimal impact to Sharon taxpayers
- Clicking the link will allow you to ask your legislator to take action.
Continue reading below for detailed information.
The litigation created by a neighbor’s appeal of the ZBA’s approval of the variances required for construction of a new library (the granting of which concluded the Trustees’ appeal of the board’s previous denial) is ongoing and is scheduled to conclude at the beginning of 2023. We now have turned our attention to the additional cost (escalation cost for construction) that the delays to our project have created. In addition, 11 other Massachusetts public libraries are facing the same escalation cost dilemma. With your help, we hope to have additional state funds allocated to cover these costs.
The state has unused ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act of 2021) funds, of which a percentage can be allocated to the 12 libraries to help cover the increased costs.
You can also use the template below to write a letter to your legislators encouraging them to prioritize this use of ARPA funds.
Representative Edward (Ted) Phillips Edward.Philips@mahouse.gov
and (depending on your address) Senator Walter Timilty Walter.Timilty@masenate.gov or
Senator Paul Feeney paul.feeney@masenate.gov
In Massachusetts right now, 12 communities—including Sharon in your district—are facing skyrocketing escalation costs that could delay or derail construction of their new public libraries. Unused state ARPA funds can be allocated to these projects to help defray these costs and keep their projects on track.
In the supplemental state budget currently being developed, please prioritize the use of $87.67 million in ARPA funds earmarked for these 12 Massachusetts libraries whose construction projects are facing dire straits because of the skyrocketing escalation in construction costs: Amherst, Brewster, Deerfield, Fitchburg, Gloucester, Lynnfield, Orange, Seekonk, Sharon, Swansea, Westborough and Westford. The residents of these communities need your help today.
- These funds are in addition to the $7.5 million MBLC grant, not a replacement for the grant.
- Signing and sending this petition does not signify your approval/support for any of the listed library renovation projects; it simply acknowledges the hardship the towns involved will face if the state does not step up to help.
- This is not money from MA tax dollars; ARPA, or American Rescue Plan Act funds are from the federal government, distributed to states “to provide relief to address the continued impacts of COVID-19 on the economy, public health, state and local governments, individuals, and businesses.”
Please contact the Trustees with any questions at shplboard@gmail.com.
Thank you for supporting the Sharon Public Library.